Is this a draft contract for the car assembly plant?
这是一份汽车装配厂的合同草签样 吗 ?
互联网Under the plastic factory, metal factories, printing, assembly plant.
下设塑料厂, 五金厂, 印刷厂, 装配厂.
互联网The car assembly plant offers three - shift jobs.
互联网And other assembly plant, such as preparation of integrated production processes, customers welcomed the inquiry.
及其它组装配制机台等一体化生产流程, 欢迎广大客户垂询!
互联网The assembly plant in Hamtramck, Michigan where LeBlanc works has already built about 55 test vehicles.
坐落于密歇根州哈姆川克的组装厂, 正是勒布朗工作的地方.
互联网Dynamical assembly plant sets engine workshop and gear - box workshop, basically produce V 6 engine and automatic case.
动力总成厂下设发动机车间和变速箱车间, 主要生产V6发动机和自动变速箱.
互联网In charge of carrying out of MG assembly plant 4 manufacturing units assembly process.
互联网The company has CNC, precision parts processing, metal stamping, assembly plant and an independent workshop.
公司拥有CNC 、 精密零组件加工 、 五金冲压 、 装配等独立厂房和车间.
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